Friday, October 9, 2009

Thanks Mr. Buck

One of the fun things about this internet shit is you realize people all over the world are as perverse as you.  I've posted things that I've scanned and then seen them pop up on web sites from other countries the next day. I've gotten unsolicited links and shout outs from other porn blogs that I was a fan of already. When the fuckers at blogger shut down my first blog, somebody actually noticed and complained.

But I found out the other day that Dillon Buck, an honest to god hot daddy porn star actually looks at my little blog.

Dillon is a Titan Man, but also does a lot of internet work for sites like Butch Dixon (links at the end of the post). His blog is here.

He has a killer cock and a killer smile. And in a wrestling singlet? Who's been reading my diary?

Anyhow the man was kind enough to link to me and I lost most of my internet homies when my site got shut, so I appreciate the link.

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