In the furtive early days of my gay porning, I would often buy a gay porn mag, hide it under my bed for a few weeks then throw it away in a fit of shame. Back in those glorious pride filled days I remember I coming across this photo spread in a magazine stand on 6th avenue off Christopher street. It was in a different mag, whose title I don't recall. I do remember that the the type on the cover, which featured the same blow job shot with Peter Ashley and Kurt Bauer, just said: "big, big, BIG!" in expanding font size. That and Kurt Bauer's hairy chest caught my horny closeted eye, and I took the plunge and bought the mag. In typical style I obsessively and religiously looked at it in my room for a few weeks then ripped it up and threw it away, safely straight to an outside observer once more.
I remember in my novice gay mind being slightly disappointed that Kurt was the one who bottomed. True, he did get a nice BJ... but then the twink bent him over and went to town. Big hairy guys should be the butch tops, I reasoned, and slim boys got fucked. Of course this was a teenage pre-gay boy's reasoning colored by the fact that I'd never even kissed another guy before. What the hell did I know about bottoming? I was still thinking like a straight, no idea about the real mechanics and semantics of gay sex. I think it took a getting few big black cocks up my ass to figure out that gay sex is a bit more complex than a butch and a femme--that the slim skater boys might end up grabbing your ankles and the body builders were just as likely to grab their own.
Anyhow, Kurt Bauer never really delivered for me--although I tried to love him. The scene from "Top Man" (from which these scenes came) is okay, and he did have a "Best of" collection, but it was from Catalina, meaning it was dimly lit and poorly produced. But more than that somehow the guy, for all his potential hotness, could not take a good photo save his soul. His "sexy face" was a deer-in-the-headlights stare that kind of freaked me out. Odd, because I'm sure he was stunning in person, and he sure had the body.

Some of Kurt's "odd sexy face" photos:
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