Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pornspotting with Ted Matthews

I knew I recognized this ass. I have referenced before my savant-like ability to recognize disembodied porn star parts. This flyer was in my corner bar trying to attract HIV positive party boys for a study.
The ass belongs to one of my earliest porn crushes, Ted Matthews. He was handsome in a very frat boy sort of way, and has one of the nicest shaped cocks I've ever seen. His blow job scenes, both giving and receiving, are amazing. "Too Damn Big" and "The Bridegroom's Cherry" were early favorites of mine. He actually has a scene with another favorite of mine, Eric Evans, in a movie called "Mesmerized" which would be an all time favorite if not for the directors incredibly bad choice of shooting it partially in slo-mo/false color to make it "freaky". I wish I could break into that directors home and get the un-adulterated first cut. I would probably smother the guy with a pillow while I was there to improve porn standards.

The last two pics at the end are from "Nude Science".

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