Saturday, February 14, 2009

Porn is expensive

So I don't know who this guy is. He's got a nice cock though, and a nice all around body. Although I feel like if you caught him out of the pool he might be wearing wrap around sunglasses and a gold's gym tank top with sweat pants. Maybe a yellow sports car with tinted windows. But guido-ness is actually a plus for me. I can't help it.

If you look at this photo closely, I never bothered to remove the price tag. $17.50 for a porn mag, not even guaranteed to be spank worthy. When I think about all the drunken trips to the porn store where I dropped 40 or 80 bucks for a few tapes or magazines it makes me shudder. There was this moment in grad school when I was looking at a trunk I had which was filled to overflowing with porno VHS tapes. I realized my porn collection was probably worth more than anything else I owned. There were easily 100 tapes at about 50 a pop....and these were only the "good ones" that I kept. A waste of money? Maybe. But I'd argue I got more pleasure out of that porn than anyone's fiestaware collection gave them. Certainly more orgasms.

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